This 1864 Two (2) Cent Piece has great eye appeal with nice luster and strong strike. This coin would likely grade MS63 Brown without the cleaning. Certified: NGC AU Details
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$935.00 | $960.00 |
This original 1864 Two (2) Cent Piece has nice eye appeal and nice strike. Chocolate brown. Great color and surfaces. Certified: PCGS VG08
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$245.00 | $252.00 |
This 1865 Two (2) Cent Piece has great eye appeal with nice luster and strong strike. Few very well hidden scratches 12 o'clock obverse. Grade: Choice BU Details
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$151.00 | $156.00 |
This 1866 Two (2) Cent Piece has nice eye appeal with nice luster and nice strike. Great color and surfaces. Grade: Choice BU
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$250.00 | $257.00 |
This wonderfully original 1866 Two (2) Cent Piece has superb eye appeal with fantastic luster and strong strike. Gorgeous chocolate brown color and surfaces. Grade: Gem Proof
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$600.00 | $615.00 |
Two-cent pieces were minted from 1864 to 1873 while the Civil War was still being fought. Made of 95% copper and 5% tin/zinc, these coins are slightly larger in diameter than today’s nickel. The two-cent coin was the first coin inscribed with the motto, “In God We Trust.” Designed by James Longacre, the motto is displayed on a ribbon above a shield on the obverse. The reverse side features a simple wreath surrounding the 2 CENTS value of the coin. There were two types of 1864 two-cent pieces: the Large Motto and the Small Motto. The motto letters in large version are taller and thinner than those in the small version which are shorter and fatter. The Small Motto pieces, only minted in 1864, are scarcer than their Large Motto counterparts and typically command higher values.
What are U.S. two-cent pieces worth today? Contact our expert numismatists at 1-800-965-2646.