World Coins

Items 1 - 20 of 85


Egypt 1359(1970) Pound KM#424
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$32.00 $33.00


Morocco 1371(1952) Ten (10) Francs Y#49 - Gemmy
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$11.00 $11.00

Morocco 1371(1952) Twenty (20) Francs Y#50 - Gemmy
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$11.00 $11.00


British India 1907-B Rupee KM#508
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$42.00 $43.00

British India 1943 Rupee KM#557.1 - PVC on Surface
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$27.00 $27.00

British India 1944-L Half Rupee KM#552
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$13.00 $13.00

British India 1945 Quarter Rupee KM#547
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$6.50 $6.50

British India 1945 Rupee KM#557.1
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$16.00 $17.00


Straits Settlements 1875 Cent KM#9
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$7.50 $7.50


Australia 1942-D Threepence KM#37
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$8.50 $9.00

Australia 1942 S Threepence KM#37
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$6.50 $6.50

Australia 1968 Two (2) Cents KM#63
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$8.50 $9.00

New Zealand

New Zealand 1942 Sixpence KM#8
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$7.50 $7.50


Austria 1963 Proof Fifty (50) Groschen KM#2885
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$21.00 $22.00


Belgium 1833 Centime KM#1.1
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$27.00 $27.00

Belgium 1847 Ten (10) Centimes KM#2.1 - Cleaned & Rim Bumps
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$13.00 $13.00

Belgium 1895 Ten (10) Centimes KM#43
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$11.00 $11.00

Belgium 1901 Five (5) Centimes KM#46
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$11.00 $11.00

Belgium 1905 Five (5) Centimes KM#54 - Signature w/dot
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$6.50 $6.50

Belgium 1905 Five (5) Centimes KM#54 - Signature w/Dot
Check by mail Credit Card/PayPal
$6.50 $6.50

Items 1 - 20 of 85

Precious Metal Prices
Gold -- --
Silver -- --
Platinum -- --
Palladium -- --